NLEG-C (2021 Seasonal Study Q2)
81° 21' 13.9243", 16° 42' 44.734"
Event datetime Station Cruise number Gear Type Sampletype Event ID Parent Event ID
NLEG-C (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Bongonet 64 um Microbial diversity (DNA and RNA) e8c4938a-b654-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 3e864e90-b753-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
NLEG-C (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Bongonet 64 um Chlorophyll a tot 9a41b31e-15c0-497c-8ba1-54b0caf6d136 3e864e90-b753-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
NLEG-C (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Bongonet 64 um Chlorophyll a tot 7f36c457-6bf7-402c-ae6b-d4ec3a3fe903 3e864e90-b753-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
NLEG-C (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Bongonet 64 um Microbial diversity (DNA and RNA) eb6b9d04-b654-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 3e864e90-b753-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
NLEG-C (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Bongonet 64 um Chlorophyll a tot 0b4f3691-bbe0-4116-8606-e53a7eb0e2b6 3e864e90-b753-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
NLEG-C (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Bongonet 64 um Microbial diversity (DNA and RNA) e5f7a322-b654-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 3e864e90-b753-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
NLEG-C (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Bongonet 64 um Mesozooplankton taxonomy 2a2050ee-b67d-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 3e864e90-b753-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
NLEG-C (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Bongonet 64 um Mesozooplankton taxonomy 38e958b4-b67d-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 3e864e90-b753-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
NLEG-C (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Bongonet 64 um Chlorophyll a tot 61b4f025-1f44-43dd-bfc4-8bae67f78b34 3e864e90-b753-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
NLEG-C (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 CTD w/bottles Niskin Bottle eb675ad1-b018-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 68e65630-b74e-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4