Optimisation of the observing system

The Science Optimisation Service creates a platform for interdisciplinary communication and collaboration across institutes and nations. It is led by the SIOS Director in collaboration with the Science Optimisation Advisory Group, which advises SIOS concerning scientific and societal relevance and the overall strategical goals of the Observing System.

This service makes recommendations on the scientific priorities of SIOS, including defining what constitutes “SIOS core data” and ways to optimise the observing system.

The annual “State of Environmental Science in Svalbard” (SESS) report, summarising the current state of Earth System Science, highlighting research needs and recommending future priorities in the Observing System. is the bottom-up contribution to the optimisation process.

The service uses several tools, such as the SIOS Chair and Secondment programmes as well as the optimisation call programme. Workshops and specific networks drive the development of the observing system forward through science community involvement.

The observing system strives to provide the members with systematic high quality observations in a cost-efficient and environmental friendly way. Other networks such as the circum-Arctic SAON, stakeholders and users outside the SIOS consortium will benefit from these data series.

The Science Wheel

SESS report

SESS recommendations synthesis report

Publ. October 2022

SIOS Chair 



Optimisation Call



Snow research

Marine infrastructure network

Resources offered by SIOS members

Coming soon!