SIOS Training Services

The SIOS Training Service aims to provide researchers with necessary skills to make the best use of the SIOS research infrastructure and observing system. Based on requests by the SIOS community and training needs identified by the working groups, SIOS currently offers training courses on data management and remote sensing applications.

Request a training course

We are continuously developing our course portfolio which can be offered to the SIOS community. If you would like to suggest a new course or would like SIOS to give a course for your team or research group, please contact our Information Officer (

Data management training courses

These courses aim to encourage and facilitate good data management right from the planning of a project. The courses are held as open webinar series or can be a separate training for a targeted audience (online and physical). You can also apply for extra funding for an add-on module on data management in connection with workshops funded by the Svalbard Strategic Grant (SSG)/Svalbard Science Forum.

Available courses

Currently no upcoming data management courses. Check out our online material.

Previous courses

Remote sensing training courses

Our training courses in remote sensing are tailored towards specific fields and are usually held in September each year. Material from previous courses can be found in the list below.

Available courses

ESA training course:
Arctic Methane & Permafrost

Application deadline: 3 June 2024

Previous courses

Other training courses

Previous courses