Research Infrastructure Access Programme

The SIOS Access Programme facilitates access to the full breadth of research infrastructure on Svalbard that has been made available to SIOS by its members. The programme is coordinated by the SIOS Knowledge Centre (SIOS-KC) in collaboration with the Research Infrastructure Coordination Committee.

The distributed infrastructure, known as SIOS RI, is owned and operated by SIOS members. SIOS offers access opportunities to these scientific facilities and research instruments through regular strategic SIOS calls. The first pilot access call was conducted in 2017 with field work taking place in 2018. Subsequent calls for access have been opened each summer and are linked to the research priorities identified in the SESS report (see links in the side bar for more information). The calls are organised by SIOS-KC, utilising SIOS committees and external reviewers to facilitate an effective and transparent project review and assessment process. Access to SIOS RI is in accordance with the SIOS Access Policy.

Projects in 2024

Projects in 2023

Projects in 2019

Projects in 2018



For general information about research infrastructure in and around Svalbard, please visit the web portal of Svalbard Science Forum.

Did you know?

Many of the stations offering access in the SIOS Access Call are also members of the InterAct network. InterAct has a call for Transnational Access opening this autumn: 

Svalbard Science Forum has a call for the Arctic Field Grant closing in mid-October every year:

What is the difference between the calls?

While anyone may apply to the SIOS call, access will be prioritised to projects that relate to developing the SIOS research infrastructure.

InterAct Transnational Access has specific eligibility rules, meaning you can only access infrastructure operated by a country other than the one you normally work in, and on the provision that a similar infrastructure does not exist in your country.

The Arctic Field Grant is only open to those working at a Norwegian scientific institution or working in direct collaboration with one. Students and researchers who are not already established in Svalbard are prioritised.