Displaying 4841 - 4850 of 7579
  • Event date: 2018-08-17T19:28:00
    Location: 83° 19' 56" N , 31° 32' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Electron microscopy (SEM filter)
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocols version 1 section 8.21
    Gear type: GO-FLO
    Sample depth (m): 5.00
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Bente Edvardsen
    Email: bente.edvardsen@ibv.uio.no
    Institution: University of Oslo
  • Event date: 2018-08-17T20:59:00
    Location: 83° 20' 17" N , 31° 33' 40" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Mesozooplankton taxonomy
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocol Version 1
    Gear type: Multinet 180 um
    Bottom depth (m): 3,900.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Camilla Svensen
    Email: camilla.svensen@uit.no
    Institution: University of Tromsø
  • Event date: 2018-08-18T08:28:00
    Location: 83° 22' 50" N , 31° 28' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Mesozooplankton metagenomics
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocol Version 1
    Gear type: WP2 180 um
    Bottom depth (m): 3,900.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Camilla Svensen
    Email: camilla.svensen@uit.no
    Institution: University of Tromsø
  • Event date: 2018-08-17T19:28:00
    Location: 83° 19' 56" N , 31° 32' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Seston elemental composition
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocols version 1 section 8.7
    Gear type: Ice corer 9 cm
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Gunnar Bratbak
    Email: Gunnar.Bratbak@uib.no
    Institution: University of Bergen
  • Event date: 2018-08-18T00:50:00
    Location: 83° 20' 55" N , 31° 34' 37" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Bottle number: 24
    Sampletype: Seston elemental composition
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocol version 3 section 8.8
    Gear type: CTD w/bottles
    Sample depth (m): 20.57
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Gunnar Bratbak
    Email: Gunnar.Bratbak@uib.no
    Institution: University of Bergen
  • Event date: 2018-08-18T00:50:00
    Location: 83° 20' 55" N , 31° 34' 37" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Bottle number: 3
    Sampletype: DO
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols version 1 Section 8.2
    Gear type: CTD w/bottles
    Sample depth (m): 250.24
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Agneta Fransson
    Email: agneta.fransson@npolar.no
    Institution: Norwegian Polar Institute
  • Event date: 2018-08-18T00:50:00
    Location: 83° 20' 55" N , 31° 34' 37" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Bottle number: 23
    Sampletype: d18O
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols version 1 Section 8.2
    Gear type: CTD w/bottles
    Sample depth (m): 20.57
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Agneta Fransson
    Email: agneta.fransson@npolar.no
    Institution: Norwegian Polar Institute
  • Event date: 2018-08-18T00:50:00
    Location: 83° 20' 55" N , 31° 34' 37" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Bottle number: 13
    Sampletype: Particulate absorption
    Sampling protocol: Particle Absorption
    Gear type: CTD w/bottles
    Sample depth (m): 60.37
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Rolf Gradinger
    Email: rolf.gradinger@uit.no
    Institution: University of Tromsø
  • Event date: 2018-08-18T00:50:00
    Location: 83° 20' 55" N , 31° 34' 37" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Bottle number: 12
    Sampletype: Nutrients
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols version 1 Section 8.2
    Gear type: CTD w/bottles
    Sample depth (m): 90.37
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Melissa Chierici
    Email: melissa.chierici@hi.no
    Institution: Institute of Marine Research
  • Event date: 2018-08-18T00:50:00
    Location: 83° 20' 55" N , 31° 34' 37" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Bottle number: 4
    Sampletype: pTEP
    Sampling protocol: Not part of NL
    Gear type: CTD w/bottles
    Sample depth (m): 200.71
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Rolf Gradinger
    Email: rolf.gradinger@uit.no
    Institution: University of Tromsø