Displaying 1371 - 1380 of 7579
  • Event date: 2018-08-14T05:19:00
    Station: P4 (NLEG11)
    Location: 79° 44' 59" N , 34° 0' 3" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Bottle number: 11
    Sampletype: AT/DIC/pH
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols version 1 Section 8.2
    Gear type: CTD w/bottles
    Sample depth (m): 89.89
    Bottom depth (m): 335.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Melissa Chierici
    Email: melissa.chierici@hi.no
    Institution: Institute of Marine Research
  • Event date: 2018-08-14T05:19:00
    Station: P4 (NLEG11)
    Location: 79° 44' 59" N , 34° 0' 3" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Bottle number: 8
    Sampletype: Seston elemental composition
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocol version 3 section 8.8
    Gear type: CTD w/bottles
    Sample depth (m): 121.34
    Bottom depth (m): 335.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Gunnar Bratbak
    Email: Gunnar.Bratbak@uib.no
    Institution: University of Bergen
  • Event date: 2018-08-14T05:19:00
    Station: P4 (NLEG11)
    Location: 79° 44' 59" N , 34° 0' 3" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Bottle number: 8
    Sampletype: Seston elemental composition
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocol version 3 section 8.8
    Gear type: CTD w/bottles
    Sample depth (m): 121.34
    Bottom depth (m): 335.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Gunnar Bratbak
    Email: Gunnar.Bratbak@uib.no
    Institution: University of Bergen
  • Event date: 2018-08-14T05:19:00
    Station: P4 (NLEG11)
    Location: 79° 44' 59" N , 34° 0' 3" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Bottle number: 8
    Sampletype: Chlorophyll a tot
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocols version 1, section 8.12
    Gear type: CTD w/bottles
    Sample depth (m): 121.34
    Bottom depth (m): 335.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Anna Vader
    Email: annav@unis.no
    Institution: University Centre in Svalbard
  • Event date: 2018-08-15T00:00:00
    Station: P4 (NLEG11)
    Location: 79° 45' 2" N , 33° 59' 58" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Bottle number: 11
    Sampletype: Dissolved trace elements
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocols version 1 section 9
    Gear type: GO-FLO
    Sample depth (m): 90.00
    Bottom depth (m): 334.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Murat Van Ardelan
    Email: Murat.v.ardelan@ntnu.no
    Institution: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Event date: 2018-08-20T08:46:00
    Location: 83° 13' 26" N , 25° 52' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Bottle number: 20
    Sampletype: Seston elemental composition
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocol version 3 section 8.8
    Gear type: CTD w/bottles
    Sample depth (m): 59.68
    Bottom depth (m): 3,911.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Gunnar Bratbak
    Email: Gunnar.Bratbak@uib.no
    Institution: University of Bergen
  • Event date: 2018-08-14T23:58:00
    Station: P4 (NLEG11)
    Location: 79° 45' 2" N , 33° 59' 57" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Meiofauna taxonomy
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocol V1 Section 11.4.3
    Gear type: Box core
    Bottom depth (m): 329.22
    Person of Interest
    Name: Elisabeth Alve
    Email: elizabeth.alve@geo.uio.no
    Institution: University of Oslo
  • Event date: 2018-08-14T10:02:00
    Station: P4 (NLEG11)
    Location: 79° 44' 59" N , 34° 0' 9" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Mesozooplankton metagenomics
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocol Version 1
    Gear type: WP2 180 um
    Bottom depth (m): 335.08
    Person of Interest
    Name: Camilla Svensen
    Email: camilla.svensen@uit.no
    Institution: University of Tromsø
  • Event date: 2018-08-14T10:02:00
    Station: P4 (NLEG11)
    Location: 79° 44' 59" N , 34° 0' 9" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Isotopes
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocol ver. 1, section 11.6.2
    Gear type: WP2 180 um
    Bottom depth (m): 335.08
    Person of Interest
    Name: Lis Jørgensen
    Email: lis.lindal.joergensen@hi.no
    Institution: Institute of Marine Research
  • Event date: 2018-08-14T08:15:00
    Station: P4 (NLEG11)
    Location: 79° 49' 16" N , 33° 48' 41" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: pTEP
    Sampling protocol: Not part of NL
    Gear type: Sediment trap (short term)
    Sample depth (m): 60.00
    Bottom depth (m): 278.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Marit Reigstad
    Email: marit.reigstad@uit.no
    Institution: University of Tromsø