SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2)
83° 13' 55.56", 25° 40' 26.04"
Event datetime Station Cruise number Gear Type Sampletype Event ID Parent Event ID
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 Box core Meiofauna taxonomy 79045956-9b0b-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 52de993c-a479-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 Box core Meiofauna taxonomy 720d65cb-9b0b-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 52de993c-a479-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 Box core Meiofauna taxonomy 8650fdf8-9b0b-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 52de993c-a479-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 Box core Meiofauna taxonomy 7f7fee08-9b0b-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 52de993c-a479-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 Box core Isotopes f7a726b9-9b0a-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 52de993c-a479-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 Box core Microbial diversity (DNA and RNA) 9650b600-9b09-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 52de993c-a479-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 Box core Sediment pigments 7736d9df-9b32-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 52de993c-a479-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 Box core Bacterial production 997ad8ef-a600-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 52de993c-a479-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 Box core Microbial diversity (DNA and RNA) d8d9fb29-9b0a-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 52de993c-a479-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 Box core Sediment porosity 2b30cba7-9b0b-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 52de993c-a479-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019