2022 Connenctivity in Polar Cod and Capelin’
Bongonet 180 um
Person of interest
Berengere Husson
Institute of Marine Research
Annen stasjon (S-S)
2022-11-22T09:31:33Z: Initial read in of the log files.
statID: 3278
end_date: 2022-11-15 00:00:00
end_time: 16:26:12.368000
start_date: 2022-11-15 00:00:00
vesselName: G.O.Sars
description: Bongo (R)
endDecimalLatitude: 78.9540569333333
endDecimalLongitude: 11.9706130333333
Title Event date Station Sample depth (m) Bottom depth (m) Gear Type Bottle number PI Name PI Institution
Mesozooplankton and bio bulk 321.00 331.18 Bongonet 180 um Janne Søreide University Centre in Svalbard
Mesozooplankton and bio bulk 321.00 331.18 Bongonet 180 um Janne Søreide University Centre in Svalbard