Displaying 5541 - 5550 of 7579
  • Event date: 2018-08-17T19:28:00
    Location: 83° 19' 56" N , 31° 32' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Electron microscopy (SEM filter)
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocols version 1 section 8.21
    Gear type: GO-FLO
    Sample depth (m): 0.00
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Bente Edvardsen
    Email: bente.edvardsen@ibv.uio.no
    Institution: University of Oslo
  • Event date: 2018-08-17T19:28:00
    Location: 83° 19' 56" N , 31° 32' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Microalgal diversity
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocols version 2 section 11.1
    Gear type: GO-FLO
    Sample depth (m): 0.00
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Bente Edvardsen
    Email: bente.edvardsen@ibv.uio.no
    Institution: University of Oslo
  • Event date: 2018-08-17T19:28:00
    Location: 83° 19' 56" N , 31° 32' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Microalgal diversity
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols version 2 section 8.11
    Gear type: GO-FLO
    Sample depth (m): 0.00
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Bente Edvardsen
    Email: bente.edvardsen@ibv.uio.no
    Institution: University of Oslo
  • Event date: 2018-08-17T19:28:00
    Location: 83° 19' 56" N , 31° 32' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Microalgal diversity
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols version 2 section 8.11
    Gear type: GO-FLO
    Sample depth (m): 0.00
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Bente Edvardsen
    Email: bente.edvardsen@ibv.uio.no
    Institution: University of Oslo
  • Event date: 2018-08-17T19:28:00
    Location: 83° 19' 56" N , 31° 32' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Microalgal diversity
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocols version 2 section 11.1
    Gear type: GO-FLO
    Sample depth (m): 0.00
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Bente Edvardsen
    Email: bente.edvardsen@ibv.uio.no
    Institution: University of Oslo
  • Event date: 2018-08-17T19:28:00
    Location: 83° 19' 56" N , 31° 32' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Microbial diversity (DNA and RNA)
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocols version 1 section 8.15
    Gear type: GO-FLO
    Sample depth (m): 0.00
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Anna Vader
    Email: annav@unis.no
    Institution: University Centre in Svalbard
  • Event date: 2018-08-17T19:28:00
    Location: 83° 19' 56" N , 31° 32' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: RNA
    Sampling protocol: Shotgun sequencing, not part of NL
    Gear type: GO-FLO
    Sample depth (m): 0.00
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Rolf Gradinger
    Email: rolf.gradinger@uit.no
    Institution: University of Tromsø
  • Event date: 2018-08-17T19:28:00
    Location: 83° 19' 56" N , 31° 32' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: DNA
    Sampling protocol: Shotgun sequencing, not part of NL
    Gear type: GO-FLO
    Sample depth (m): 0.00
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Rolf Gradinger
    Email: rolf.gradinger@uit.no
    Institution: University of Tromsø
  • Event date: 2018-08-17T19:28:00
    Location: 83° 19' 56" N , 31° 32' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Bacterial production
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocols version 1 section 8.17
    Gear type: GO-FLO
    Sample depth (m): 0.00
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Gunnar Bratbak
    Email: gunnar.bratbak@uib.no
    Institution: University of Bergen
  • Event date: 2018-08-17T19:28:00
    Location: 83° 19' 56" N , 31° 32' 25" E
    Cruise number: 2018707
    Cruise name: 2018 Joint Cruise 1-2
    Sampletype: Seston elemental composition
    Sampling protocol: Nansen Legacy sampling protocol version 3 section 8.8
    Gear type: GO-FLO
    Sample depth (m): 0.00
    Bottom depth (m): 3,930.00
    Person of Interest
    Name: Gunnar Bratbak
    Email: Gunnar.Bratbak@uib.no
    Institution: University of Bergen