SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2)
83° 13' 55.56", 25° 40' 26.04"
Event datetime Station Cruise number Gear Type Sampletype Event ID Parent Event ID
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 CTD w/bottles Niskin Bottle dfdd70ff-9c88-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 dfdd70fa-9c88-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 CTD w/bottles Niskin Bottle dfdd7100-9c88-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 dfdd70fa-9c88-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 CTD w/bottles Niskin Bottle dfdd7102-9c88-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 dfdd70fa-9c88-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 CTD w/bottles Seston elemental composition 1a5fa16f-9e0d-11e8-aecb-8c164557e466 dfdd70fb-9c88-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 CTD w/bottles Seston elemental composition 1a5fa194-9e0d-11e8-aecb-8c164557e466 dfdd7103-9c88-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 CTD w/bottles Seston elemental composition 1a5fa17a-9e0d-11e8-aecb-8c164557e466 dfdd7103-9c88-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 CTD w/bottles Seston elemental composition 1a5fa17b-9e0d-11e8-aecb-8c164557e466 dfdd7103-9c88-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 CTD w/bottles Seston elemental composition 1a5fa193-9e0d-11e8-aecb-8c164557e466 dfdd7103-9c88-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 CTD w/bottles Microbial diversity (DNA and RNA) ec1c734f-a451-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 dfdd7105-9c88-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019
SICE3 (2018 Joint Cruise 1-2) 2018707 CTD w/bottles Microbial diversity (DNA and RNA) ec1c7350-a451-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019 dfdd7105-9c88-11e8-91c9-005056a2b019