Research Infrastructure Coordination Committee (RICC)

The RICC directive is to

  • Organise the operational relations between the SIOS activity programme and the partner facilities.

The RICC work programme for 2024

  • Contribute to the optimisation call and provide ongoing support to successful applicants.
  • Contribute to the Access Call and provide ongoing support to successful applicants.
  • Work towards better coordination of logistical services for SIOS members and strengthen cross-institutional collaboration on safety training for fieldwork in Svalbard via information gathering, meetings, workshops and shared training.
  • Enhance the Observation Facility Catalogue - by updating all data but also sharing data between platforms.

Associated task forces

  • Safety and Logistics Task Force

Key achievements in 2023

  • 2 Access Calls: 12 successful applications, working with NORCE (Dornier), UiB (ocean glider), Ny-Ålesund Zeppelin, Sverdrup, Dirigible, AWIPEV and Longyearbyen Norwegian Polar Institute.
  • Supported Optimisation Call evaluation, and successful projects.
  • Supported Innovation Award evaluation.
  • 5 completed Access projects.
  • Logistical cooperation between SIOS member institutions.
  • Organised a successful workshop on Safety and Logistics (part I).
  • Information campaign for the Observation Facility Catalogue.

RICC Chair

  • Verena Mohaupt - Alfred Wegener Institute

RICC Co-chair

  • Archana Singh - National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research

RICC members

  • Martin Ludvigsen - NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Kjetil Stiansen - Norwegian Meteorological Institute
  • Geir Ove Aspnes - Norwegian Polar Institute
  • Kolbjørn Blix - Andøya Space
  • Hoijin Chon - Korea Polar Research Institute
  • Anna Maria Dichiarante - NORSAR
  • Ilker Fer - University of Bergen
  • Benedicte Ferré - UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Stefania Gilardoni - National Research Council of Italy
  • Piotr Głowacki - Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Ove Hermansen - NILU
  • Dongmin JIN - Korea Polar Research Institute
  • Andreas Köhler - NORSAR
  • Jean-Sébastien L'Heureux - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
  • Elzbieta Lepkowska - University of Silesia, Poland
  • Sabine Marty - Norwegian Institute for Water Research
  • Mauro Mazzola - National Research Council of Italy
  • Øyvind Mikkelsen - NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Hiroshi Miyaoka - National Institute for Polar Research
  • Verena Mohaupt - Alfred Wegener Institute
  • Wlodzimierz Sielski - Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Archana Singh - National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research
  • Fred Skancke Hansen - The University Centre in Svalbard
  • Katarzyna Stachniak - University of Silesia, Poland
  • Kai Sørensen - Norwegian Institute for Water Research