2024 Access Call

SIOS seeks proposals for access to SIOS research infrastructure

Please note: the Governor of Svalbard has fixed deadlines for applications for research activity in Svalbard and requires that all activities are registered in RiS. More information HERE.


Application form opens: 4 June 2024

Deadline to submit a proposal: 21 August 2024 (noon)

Announcement of successful projects: 2 December 2024

Projects must be conducted between 1 March 2025 and 1 November 2025.

Funding availability

The total available funding for this call is 1 000 000 NOK, with a maximum of 200 000 NOK available per project. We strongly encourage successful applicants to present their project at SIOS Polar Night Week 2026.

Details of the call

The purpose of the call is to fund access to the research infrastructure (RI) owned by SIOS member institutions, promoting more efficient use and better integration of the observing system. Users may also access expertise and logistical support from members of the SIOS consortium. 

Further details can be found in the call text (right-hand menu). 

Webinars for prospective applicants

SIOS is offering webinars for applicants to the SIOS Access Call. The webinars will be held by our Observing Network Infrastructure Officer, Eleanor Jones, and will contain a brief presentation of the call and the application form, followed by the opportunity to ask questions. If you have specific questions you would like answered you may email them in advance to eleanor.jones@sios-svalbard.org. The webinars will be conducted using Zoom.

Webinar 1: Tuesday 11th June 2024, 10:00 (CET)

Register in advance for this webinar HERE

Webinar 2: Wednesday 7th August 2024, 10:00 (CET)

Register in advance for this webinar HERE

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


"Photo credit: Christiane Hübner"
Photo credit: Christiane Hübner