Science Optimisation Advisory Group (SOAG)

The SOAG directive is to

  • Support the SIOS Director in developing the science case for SIOS;
  • Advise the SIOS Director regarding prioritisation of ideas and initiatives for the observing system development considering scientific and societal relevance, feasibility and realism;
  • Advise the SIOS Director regarding prioritisation of proposed new services considering scientific and societal relevance, feasibility and realism;
  • Support SIOS in review processes for access and other programs that require scientific quality control.

The SOAG work programme for 2024

  • SIOS optimisation call and evaluation of applications
  • Access programme
  • Harmonization of SIOS core data observations
  • Recruitment of SIOS Chair
  • SIOS contributions to ICARP IV and 5th IPY
  • Contributing to long term strategy of SIOS
  • Develop the SOAG work programme for 2025

SOAG Chair

  • Rune Storvold - NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS

SOAG Co-Chair

  • Agata Zaborska - Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Science

SOAG members

  • Hyoung Chul Shin - Korea Polar Research Institute
  • Jihoon Jeong - Korea Polar Research Institute
  • Murat V Ardelan - NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Jørgen Berge - UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Gabriella Caruso - National Research Council of Italy
  • Hanne Hvidtfeldt Christiansen - The University Centre in Svalbard
  • Dyre Dammann - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
  • Anna Maria Dichiarante - NORSAR
  • Eva Fuglei - Norwegian Polar Institute
  • Graham Gilbert - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
  • Richard Hann - NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Clara Hoppe - Alfred Wegener Institute
  • Dariusz Ignatiuk - University of Silesia, Poland
  • Jacek A Jania - University of Silesia, Poland
  • Radovan Krejci - Stockholm University
  • Maarten Loonen - University of Groningen
  • Cecilie Mauritzen - Norwegian Meteorological Institute
  • Hiroshi Miyaoka - National Institute for Polar Research
  • Nuncio Murukesh - National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research
  • Marzena Osuch - Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Volker Oye - NORSAR
  • Tuukka Petäjä - Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research of the University of Helsinki
  • Harald Sodemann - University of Bergen
  • Rune Storvold - NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
  • Kjetil Tørseth - NILU
  • Vito Vitale - National Research Council of Italy
  • Agata Zaborska - Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Science