Airborne Remote Sensing

One of SIOS's aims is to reduce the environmental footprint of scientific data collection in Svalbard. To achieve this mission, SIOS supports and coordinates the usage of drones and aircraft platforms to acquire aerial imagery and hyperspectral data for the Svalbard research community to support scientific projects. SIOS has funded a hyperspectral sensor (aboard the Dornier aircraft) and a number of drones through the SIOS-InfraNor project.

Contact the Remote Sensing Officer for more information on the usage of the Dornier aircraft or uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) in your research.

How to use available aircraft and UAV facilities
  • SIOS Announcements of opportunity for airborne remote sensing: These were pilot efforts in 2020 and 2021 to facilitate the usage of airborne platforms by the SIOS research community. Researchers from SIOS member institutions were invited to submitted project proposals, which were subject to evaluation. More information on the airborne remote sensing platforms can be found here. Any announcements of further opportunities for airborne remote sensing would be made on the SIOS website.
  • Operational SIOS-Access Call: These calls provide access to a variety of research infrastructures (RIs) and facilities in Svalbard, including the use of aircraft and uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs). These opportunities are open to the international research community in Svalbard.
  • On demand: SIOS coordinates all requests for the use of aircraft and UAVs from the research community including space agencies for conducting scientific projects or supporting Cal/Val activities for satellite missions. The aircraft and UAVs are available for research purposes at a competitive rate. Requests should be made at least 2 months prior to the planned research or Cal/Val activity. This service is available during the entire year; however, image acquisition and hyperspectral data acquisition would be available only during the spring and summer season (April - September).
Which projects are prioritised for using aircraft and UAVs?

Proposals should contribute towards one or more of the following:

  • Specifically addressing one or more of the recommendations in SESS reports;
  • Closing gaps or complementing in situ data or measurements;
  • Cal/Val of airborne or satellite hyperspectral data with ground measurements;
  • Contributions to modelling activities;
  • Reducing the environmental footprint of observations in Svalbard.

Proposals from space agencies supporting cal/val activities for satellite missions are encouraged.


SIOS held a Terrestrial Remote Sensing training course in 2020, a Hyperspectral Remote Sensing training course in 2021, and an Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles training course in 2023. Lecture recordings from the Terrestrial and Hyperspectral training courses are available on the SIOS YouTube channel. Courses are intended for scientists, master/Ph.D. students and technicians with no or little experience with remote sensing techniques. The training is generally delivered by remote sensing experts from SIOS member institutions, SIOS-KC, international researchers, and experts from the industry.

More information on SIOS Remote Sensing Training Courses can be found on the training webpages.


