Remote Sensing Working Group (RSWG)


RSWG Mission Statement

A forum bringing together users and producers of ground-, satellite-, airborne- and underwater-based remote sensing resources to facilitate the usage, sharing, and calibration & validation of Arctic observations.

The RSWG directive is to

  • Assess the status of the SIOS community’s satellite data and information requirements for Svalbard and the Arctic Ocean, and keep track of any relevant developments within the European Union's Copernicus programme and ESA activities;
  • Assess the SIOS community’s needs for producing specific remotely-sensed data sets and decide which SIOS partners will be generating these data products;
  • Work in step with the SIOS Data Management Service regarding the integration of the remotely-sensed data products in the SIOS web portal;
  • Work with the appropriate agencies to promote Svalbard as a Cal/Val site;
  • Serve as a forum where future research directions in Arctic satellite remote sensing are discussed.

The RSWG work programme for 2024

  • Develop an execution plan for RSWG activities in 2024
  • Further development of the EO and RS researcher forum on the SIOS web portal
  • Develop a citizen science project for supporting cal/val activities in Svalbard
  • Airborne remote sensing activities
  • Training course on remote sensing for SIOS community (Permafrost)
  • Contribution to international initiatives such as Copernicus, GEO etc., crossworking group activities, contribution to SIOS activities such as optimization call, facilitating outreach, social media and training activities
  • SIOS webinar series and online conference on EO and RS
  • Projects led by ECR Observers
  • SIOS-Planet joint call – wrap-up
  • Better establish Svalbard as Cal/Val site for ESA/European RS community
  • Launch User requirement and Product inventory surveys

Key achievements in 2023

  • Training course on Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in Svalbard
  • "SIOS-Planet cooperation project proposal call to demonstrate the usability of high-resolution Planet data in the Arctic" provided access to Planet satellite imagery to 11 projects
  • Development of Svalbard Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Forum (to be operational in 2024)
  • Served as the world's northernmost Copernicus Relay, providing a bridge between Copernicus data producers and users
  • Webinars on "InSAR Svalbard Ground motion service for Svalbard" and "Citizen science in Svalbard"

RSWG Chair

  • Bartek Luks - Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences

RSWG Co-chair

  • Roberto Salzano - National Research Council of Italy

RSWG members

  • Hyun-Cheol Kim - Korea Polar Research Institute
  • Frode Dinessen - Norwegian Meteorological Institute
  • Sara Aparício
  • Peter Berthelemy
  • Malgorzata Blaszczyk - University of Silesia, Poland
  • Sourav Chatterjee - National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research
  • Anca Cristea - Norwegian Polar Institute
  • Zheng Duan
  • Steinar Eastwood - Norwegian Meteorological Institute
  • Ann Mari Fjæraa - NILU
  • Richard Hann - NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • William Harcourt
  • Kjell Arild Høgda - NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
  • Shridhar Jawak - NILU
  • Johnny A. Johannessen - Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
  • Ekaterina Kim - NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Andreas Kääb - University of Oslo
  • Benjamin Lange - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
  • Bartek Luks - Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Sabine Marty - Norwegian Institute for Water Research
  • Katarzyna Ostapowicz - Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
  • Lasse H. Pettersson - Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
  • Veijo Pohjola - Uppsala University
  • Eero Rinne - The University Centre in Svalbard
  • Benjamin Aubrey Robson - University of Bergen
  • Rosamaria Salvatori - National Research Council of Italy
  • Roberto Salzano - National Research Council of Italy
  • Zuzanna Swirad - Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Kai Sørensen - Norwegian Institute for Water Research
  • Hironori Yabuki - National Institute for Polar Research