On transit to P5 (NLEG13) (2021 Seasonal Study Q2)
80° 6' 53.616", 33° 59' 37.0244"
Event datetime Station Cruise number Gear Type Sampletype Event ID Parent Event ID
On transit to P5 (NLEG13) (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Macroplankton trawl Fatty acids b11ad6b0-ae68-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 44c74960-aeef-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
On transit to P5 (NLEG13) (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Macroplankton trawl Fatty acids 3cef5ac4-af3b-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 44c74960-aeef-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
On transit to P5 (NLEG13) (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Macroplankton trawl Fatty acids b11ad6aa-ae68-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 44c74960-aeef-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
On transit to P5 (NLEG13) (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Macroplankton trawl Fatty acids b11ad6ab-ae68-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 44c74960-aeef-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
On transit to P5 (NLEG13) (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Macroplankton trawl Fatty acids b11ad6ad-ae68-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 44c74960-aeef-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
On transit to P5 (NLEG13) (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Macroplankton trawl Fatty acids b11ad6ae-ae68-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 44c74960-aeef-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
On transit to P5 (NLEG13) (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Macroplankton trawl Fatty acids b11ad6af-ae68-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 44c74960-aeef-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
On transit to P5 (NLEG13) (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Macroplankton trawl Fatty acids b11ad6b1-ae68-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 44c74960-aeef-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
On transit to P5 (NLEG13) (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Macroplankton trawl 44c74960-aeef-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4
On transit to P5 (NLEG13) (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Macroplankton trawl Fatty acids 38af6cba-af3b-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 44c74960-aeef-11eb-99c1-db430a2581b4