Optimisation Call 2024

SIOS seeks proposals of high scientific quality to develop the observing system and research infrastructure in the field of Earth System Science in Svalbard.

Click the links in the right-hand menu to read the full call text.


Opening of call: 4 June 2024

Deadline to submit a proposal: 2 September 2024 (noon)

Announcement of successful projects: December 2024

The proposed project duration can be up to 23 months, ending no later than 1 December 2026..

Funding availability

The total available funding for this call is up to 4 000 000 NOK. Each successful project will be awarded between 500 000 and 1 000 000 NOK for direct costs1. In addition, a substantial in-kind2 contribution from the applicants’ institutions is expected.

1Direct costs are, for instance, salary, flight tickets, accommodation, consumables, equipment

2In-kind contribution is, for instance, project overhead, hours of the principal investigator, stay at own institution's field station

Details of the call

The purpose of the call is to develop the SIOS observing system and research infrastructure. Further details can be found in the call text (right-hand menu). 

Webinars for prospective applicants

SIOS is offering webinars for applicants to the SIOS Optimisation Call. The webinars will be held by our Observing Network Infrastructure Officer, Eleanor Jones, and will contain a brief presentation of the call and the application form, followed by the opportunity to ask questions. If you have specific questions you would like answered you may email them in advance to eleanor.jones@sios-svalbard.org. The webinars will be conducted using Zoom.

Webinar 1: Tuesday 18th June 2024, 10:00 (CET)

Register in advance for this webinar HERE

Webinar 2: Thursday 8th August 2024, 10:00 (CET)

Register in advance for this webinar HERE

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.