Application form - SIOS Optimisation Call 2024

Please fill in the form below to submit an application to the SIOS Optimisation Call 2024.

If you are logged in with your SIOS account, you may save a draft of the form and come back to it later by scrolling down to the bottom and clicking "Save draft". Please fill in all the fields. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk. 

Remember to make sure you press the submission button.

*Deadline is Monday 2nd September at 12:00 CET (noon)*

Part A: PERSONAL INFORMATION (Principal Investigator)
Please enter your phone number, including the international code.
Employment status

Please indicate the estimated start date for your project. If your application is part of an ongoing project, please indicate the start date of the project as a whole.
Please provide the estimated date by which you expect your optimisation project to be finished. Proposed projects must finish no later than 1 December 2026.
Re-order Name Gender Employment status Telephone number Institution Weight Operations
Name of collaborator
Employment status
Name and address
more items
In this section, provide the total funding you are applying for from SIOS and the total in-kind contribution your project will provide to SIOS.
Please provide the total funding you are applying to the SIOS Optimisation Call for. It should be the same value as in cell H11 of the summary sheet in your attached budget.
Please provide the total in-kind value your project will contribute to SIOS. It should be the same as the value in cell H12 of the summary sheet of your attached budget.
Project type
If your proposed project is part of a wider project, please select the main funding source of this project from the list above.
If your proposed project is linked to project(s) in RiS, please list the RiS ID(s).
One file only. | 1.46 GB limit. | Allowed types: pdf.
Fill in the budget template linked on the call homepage. Please attach it here.
One file only. | 1.46 GB limit. | Allowed types: xls, xlsx.
One file only. | 1.46 GB limit. | Allowed types: pdf.
Please upload ONE pdf containing all the CVs of the principal investigator and work package leaders. 1 page per CV.

SIOS will handle your personal data securely and only share information when this is necessary to process your application. Be advised that members of the evaluation committee that will process your application may be outside the EU / EEA. Information about the winning project(s), including the name of the principal investigator, will be made public. We will contact the collaborators you have listed in this form to let them know they are included in your application to SIOS.
I have read and understood the call text, including its appendices, and accept the conditions outlined within. I have also read the SIOS data policy and have understood that my project must follow this policy, if applicable, in order to be eligible for SIOS funding.
By ticking this box you confirm that your application is authorised by the head/research director of your institution.


Please submit your proposal by pressing the submit button below.

The deadline is 2 September 2024 at 12:00 CET (noon). Applications submitted after this time will not be considered.

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