P7 (NLEG25/NPAL16) Ice (2021 Seasonal Study Q2)
82° 6' 55.3546", 29° 16' 26.3764"
Event datetime Station Cruise number Gear Type Sampletype Event ID Parent Event ID
P7 (NLEG25/NPAL16) Ice (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Suction pump (20 um) Fatty acids ec18fde0-b5b0-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 bd55387a-b63e-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1
P7 (NLEG25/NPAL16) Ice (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Suction pump (20 um) Fatty acids f495bd96-b5b0-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 bd55387a-b63e-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1
P7 (NLEG25/NPAL16) Ice (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Suction pump (20 um) Fatty acids f2729354-b5b0-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 bd55387a-b63e-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1
P7 (NLEG25/NPAL16) Ice (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Suction pump (200 um) Data: no physical sample bd553879-b63e-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 cfd25dd9-b635-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1
P7 (NLEG25/NPAL16) Ice (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Algal Incubator Data: no physical sample 54f40416-b63f-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 cfd25dd9-b635-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1
P7 (NLEG25/NPAL16) Ice (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Suction pump (20 um) Data: no physical sample bd55387a-b63e-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 cfd25dd9-b635-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1
P7 (NLEG25/NPAL16) Ice (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Slurp gun Protist abundance and taxonomy 1e448670-b680-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 29f643d9-b640-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1
P7 (NLEG25/NPAL16) Ice (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Slurp gun Chlorophyll a tot a513b9df-cc22-4fe1-a003-c40aaabaf0b0 29f643d9-b640-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1
P7 (NLEG25/NPAL16) Ice (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Slurp gun Chlorophyll a tot a61a6aa4-f656-4ba3-b71d-9c84b002f840 107201fc-b640-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1
P7 (NLEG25/NPAL16) Ice (2021 Seasonal Study Q2) 2021704 Slurp gun Protist abundance and taxonomy f9a9246a-b67f-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1 107201fc-b640-11eb-ae89-005056a2bfc1