SIOS Data Management System Working Group (SDMS WG)

The SDMS WG directive is to

  • Promote and enable
    • Ethically open access to data;
    • Norms of fair attribution and use of data;
    • Long term preservation of data;
  • Develop guidance material for the SDMS;
  • Facilitate the adoption and implementation of standards that will enable free, open and timely access to data;
  • Facilitate interoperability of data and systems as needed to support the needs of SIOS scientific community;
  • Establish expert groups to examine specific questions or coordinate the implementation of SIOS data management and sharing solutions;
  • Engage in relevant national, regional, global or discipline specific data management activities to ensure that SDMS activities are relevant, cost efficient and sustainable;
  • Coordinate the review of SIOS data management plans submitted by projects requesting access to the SIOS Infrastructure.

The SDMS WG work programme for 2024

  • SDMS WG administrative tasks (meetings, develop work plan for next year, OwnCloud maintenance and development, etc.)
  • Development of SDMS documents and material (Interoperability Guidelines Document, Operations Manual, SIOS Core Data Document, etc)
  • Integration of contributing data centres
  • Improving functionality of the SDMS user interfaces
  • Development of long-term plan for integration of SIOS Core data and concrete implementation steps
  • Further development of SDMS tools
  • Support data management sessions during conferences where relevant

SDMS Chair

  • Luke Marsden - The University Centre in Svalbard

SDMS Co-Chair

  • Marcin Wichorowski - Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Science

SDMS members

  • GoHeung Kim - Korea Polar Research Institute
  • Dongchan Joo - Korea Polar Research Institute
  • Matteo De Stefano - Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
  • Rudolf Denkmann
  • Lara Ferrighi - Norwegian Meteorological Institute
  • Markus Fiebig - NILU
  • Kamil Filipek
  • Øystein Godøy - Norwegian Meteorological Institute
  • Torill Hamre - Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
  • Mats Heigre - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
  • Hanna Lappalainen - Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research of the University of Helsinki
  • Lukasz Malarzewski - University of Silesia, Poland
  • Luke Marsden - The University Centre in Svalbard
  • Ilkka Matero
  • Arnfinn Morvik - Institute of Marine Research
  • Roberto Salzano - National Research Council of Italy
  • Rohit Srivastava - National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research
  • Kai Sørensen - Norwegian Institute for Water Research
  • Stein Tronstad - Norwegian Polar Institute
  • Giulio Verazzo - National Research Council of Italy
  • Marcin Wichorowski - Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Science
  • Hironori Yabuki - National Institute for Polar Research
  • Asuka Yamakawa - Institute of Marine Research