SIOS Forums

Do you have a question about Remote Sensing or Earth System Science in Svalbard that could be addressed by members of the Remote Sensing Working Group or the wider SIOS community? You can now post your questions, responses and messages in the SIOS General discussion or Remote Sensing forums. You must be logged in to your SIOS account to use the forums.


How to use the Forum


Click on either the General discussion or Remote Sensing forum


To start a new discussion thread:

  1. Click Add new Forum topic, type a short descriptive thread title in the Subject box (leave the Body box blank), then click Save.
  2. Type the question/message in the Comment box (and optionally type a title in the Subject box), then click Post comment.


To reply in a discussion thread:

  1. Select a Forum topic in the list to view the question/message and any previous responses.
  2. Type a response in the Comment box (and optionally type a title in the Subject box), then click Post comment.