Information Advisory Group (IAG)

The IAG directive is to

  • Develop a SIOS communication strategy that is approved by the General Assembly (GA) and implement its goals through an communication plan;
  • Implement and maintain information channels to be used to provide information about SIOS-KC activities, the Observing System developments and SIOS-related activities within the member institutions – following the SIOS information policy;
  • Contribute to the information flow through the above mentioned channels;
  • Monitor networking possibilities, contribute to advertise SIOS in existing networks and seek collaboration with other initiatives;
  • Develop and maintain an outreach programme on SIOS-related activities with focus on the development and improvement of the Observing System.

The IAG work programme for 2024

  • Revise the SIOS communication strategy
  • Implement the communication plan for 2023-2024
    • Support ongoing SIOS information activities
    • Utilise the SIOS entwork to promote and multiply ESS activities and achievements of member institutions
  • Promote SIOS success stories
  • Fill the position of an ECR observer in IAG
  • Write work programme for 2024

Associated task forces

  • currently no task force


IAG members

  • Jihoon Jeong - Korea Polar Research Institute
  • Marta Chmielewska - University of Silesia, Poland
  • Mathew Kuttivadakkethil Avarachen - NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Åslaug Brynildsen - University of Oslo
  • Christine Daae Olseng - NORSAR
  • Anna Maria Dichiarante - NORSAR
  • Agata Goździk - Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Christiane Hübner
  • Stig Mathisen - Norwegian Polar Institute
  • Hiroshi Miyaoka - National Institute for Polar Research
  • Sanne Moedt
  • Chiara Ripa - National Research Council of Italy
  • Christine F. Solbakken - NILU
  • Sławomir Sułowicz - University of Silesia, Poland