Working Group Days 2024 - Save the dates!


This year's SIOS working group days will take place 8-9 October 2024. During these days members of all SIOS working groups  come together to share information and good practices, evaluate and plan activities, and discuss on how to actively achieve the SIOS goals together.

Although we hope to see most of you in person, there will also be a possibility to participate virtually.

Registration (not open yet)

The registration will open after summer.

Not a working group member?
We will stream part of the first days' programme. The link will be published on this page shortly before the event.


The address of the working group days venue is:

Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
Powstańców Warszawy 55,
81-712 Sopot,
Poland, P.O. Box 148


The programme will be developed together with the board of directors and the working groups. Times in CEST.

Tuesday, 08 October 2024 (09:00-17:00, plus evening dinner)

  • TBD

Wednesday, 09 October 2024 (09:00-15:00)

  • TBD

SIOS will reimburse travel and hotel expenses up to 6000 NOK (Europe)/12 000 NOK (Asia) per working group member. Please complete the expense voucher, attach all receipts and send to