Workshop: Polar Bear Safety

The SIOS workshop on polar bear safety will be held in hybrid format on 29 October this year. The workshop will bring researchers with expertise in polar bears together with those conducting polar bear safety training and those who have experience with polar bear encounters in the field. 

Date: 29 October 2024

Place: Hybrid (online or in Oslo; register here)

Aim: For SIOS member institutions to cooperate on creating a common standard for polar bear safety training.


The programme for the day will be between 09:00 and 16:00 CET. We plan a range of invited talks on issues around polar bear safety, presentations on current polar bear safety training in Svalbard, as well as sessions for sharing experiences and discussing how to create a SIOS polar bear safety competence standard.

The preliminary programme for the day is available HERE. Please note that this is subject to change.

Practical Information

Location (for those participating physically)

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute

Henrik Mohns plass 1

0313 OSLO

Information on how to reach the venue is available here: Enter the building labelled Tallhall on the map, and the meeting room is on the ground floor.

Costs and travel grants

SIOS will cover the costs of conference facilities, lunch and refreshments during the day. Travel and accommodation (with breakfast) need to be covered by the participant. However, we have funding for a limited number of travel grants to workshop participants, awarded to those fulfilling the following criteria:

  1. Registering for the workshop by 16th September at 10:00 CET and booking the flights and accommodation (economic options) as soon as possible after finding out about the travel grant.
  2. Participants giving a talk at the workshop will be prioritised for the travel grants.

After attending the workshop, travel grant recipients must fill in this form and send it to

The amount of funding awarded per participant will be up to 6000 NOK for participants from Europe and up to 12000 NOK for participants from Asia. 

Organising committee
  • Verena Mohaupt, AWI
  • Archana Singh, NCPOR
  • Fred Skanke Hansen, UNIS
  • Mauro Mazzola, CNR
  • Geir Ove Aspnes, NPI
  • Wlodzimierz Sielski, IG-PAS
  • Eleanor Jones, SIOS-KC