transit to NLEG41 (2021 Joint Cruise 2-2)
83° 51' 28.1187", -8° 14' 15.3133"
Event datetime Station Cruise number Gear Type Sampletype Event ID Parent Event ID
transit to NLEG41 (2021 Joint Cruise 2-2) 2021710 EM-bird 329af270-1b03-11ec-afc5-a3f13bbd5a61
transit to NLEG41 (2021 Joint Cruise 2-2) 2021710 Ice corer Ice core e10d781a-1bca-11ec-902e-005056a2bfc1 37938350-1ae5-11ec-afc5-a3f13bbd5a61
transit to NLEG41 (2021 Joint Cruise 2-2) 2021710 EM-bird 965bad00-1ac6-11ec-afc5-a3f13bbd5a61
transit to NLEG41 (2021 Joint Cruise 2-2) 2021710 Ice corer 37938350-1ae5-11ec-afc5-a3f13bbd5a61
transit to NLEG41 (2021 Joint Cruise 2-2) 2021710 Ice corer Ice core e10d781b-1bca-11ec-902e-005056a2bfc1 37938350-1ae5-11ec-afc5-a3f13bbd5a61
transit to NLEG41 (2021 Joint Cruise 2-2) 2021710 Ice corer Ice core e10d781c-1bca-11ec-902e-005056a2bfc1 37938350-1ae5-11ec-afc5-a3f13bbd5a61
transit to NLEG41 (2021 Joint Cruise 2-2) 2021710 Ice corer Ice core e10d781d-1bca-11ec-902e-005056a2bfc1 37938350-1ae5-11ec-afc5-a3f13bbd5a61
transit to NLEG41 (2021 Joint Cruise 2-2) 2021710 Ice corer Ice core 76c6e0cc-1d14-11ec-902e-005056a2bfc1 37938350-1ae5-11ec-afc5-a3f13bbd5a61
transit to NLEG41 (2021 Joint Cruise 2-2) 2021710 Ice corer Ice core 8821dc9d-1d0e-11ec-902e-005056a2bfc1 37938350-1ae5-11ec-afc5-a3f13bbd5a61
transit to NLEG41 (2021 Joint Cruise 2-2) 2021710 Ice corer Ice core 8821dc9e-1d0e-11ec-902e-005056a2bfc1 37938350-1ae5-11ec-afc5-a3f13bbd5a61