2021 Seasonal Study Q2
Grain size
Nansen Legacy version 8
Box core
Person of interest
Elisabeth Alve
University of Oslo
also TOC, TN, d13C
2021-05-26T10:51:22Z: Initial read in of the log files.
2021-05-31T09:30:24Z: Updating station names
2021-08-12T08:53:14Z: Standardising PI email and institutions
statID: 1
end_date: 2021-05-01 00:00:00
end_time: 08:36:15.837000
fixative: -20 deg C
fieldNotes: Cerbo 60 ml container
start_date: 2021-05-01 00:00:00
vesselName: Kronprins Haakon
stationName: P1
recordNumber: Replicate 3
endDecimalLatitude: 76.0004478333333
endDecimalLongitude: 31.2214792
maximumDepthInMeters: 326
sedimentCoreMaximumDepthInCentiMeters: 6
sedimentCoreMinimumDepthInCentiMeters: 5