2018 Paleo Cruise
Person of interest
Katrine Husum
Tom Arne Rydningen
Matthias Forwick
Norwegian Polar Institute
University of Tromsø
University of Tromsø
Transit back to NPAL14. EM710 line 204.
2019-04-23T13:13:06Z: New sample used to split gear type in two from Topas40, SBP300
2021-08-12T07:26:17Z: Standardising PI names
2021-08-12T09:41:25Z: Standardising PI email and institutions
Location: Upper slope (east of Kvitøya T.)
end_date: 2018-10-08 00:00:00
end_time: 23:41:00
dataFilename: 20181008223711.sgy (Topas), 20181008223640.sgy /35 (SBP)
endDecimalLatitude: 81.49725175
endDecimalLongitude: 30.7628357222222
shipSpeedInMetersPerSecond: 3.6
Manual input